Dr. Ed Gerstner, Executive Editor, China, Nature Communications,
visited NPC on July 22, 2013
Prof. Dapeng Yu, from Peking University, China,
visited NPC on June 26, 2013 |
Prof. Ray Egerton, Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada,
visited NPC on Apr. 25, 2013
Prof. Ting Yu, Division of Physics and Applied, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 637371,Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117542,Graphene Centre, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117542,
visited NPC on Apr. 24, 2013 |
Prof. Pey Kin Leong, the Singapore University of Technology and Design,
visited NPC on Nov. 2, 2012
Signing ceremony for the second phase collaboration between SEU and FEI |
Prof. Shanshan Cao, Dept. Metallic Materials Science & Engineering, School of Material Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China,
visited NPC on Oct. 1, 2012
Prof. Luchang Qin, W.M. Keck Laboratory for Atomic Imaging and Manipulation
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
visited NPC on July 13, 2012 |
Prof. Jin Zou, Chair in Nanoscience and Australian Future Fellow
Materials Engineering and Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis,The University of Queensland,
visited NPC on June 22, 2012
Prof. Xiaozhou Liao , from School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia,
visited NPC on May 30, 2012 |
Prof. Xiaoqing Pan , Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor,
visited NPC on May 24, 2012
Prof. Wanlin Guo, from 南京航空航天大学纳米科学研究所
visited NPC on Apr. 28, 2012 |
Prof. Hua Zhang ,School of Materials Science and Engineering in Nanyang Technological University,
visited NPC on Apr. 20, 2012
Prof. Jianguo Zheng,he University of California Irvine Division of the California visited NPC on Dec. 20, 2011
Prof. Zhenggong Du, National Tsing Hua University,
visited NPC on Nov. 8, 2011
Prof. Qing Chen,Department of Electronics in Peking University,
visited NPC on
Oct. 31, 2011 |
Prof. Reshef Tenne , Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute, ISRAEL,
visited NPC on Sep. 6, 2011
Prof. Weilie Zhou,Advanced Materials Research Institute, University of New Orleans, USA,
visited NPC on
July 6, 2011 |
Prof. Scott X Mao,
from Department of Mechanical Engineering
& Materials Science,University of Pittsburgh, USA,
visited NPC on
June 24, 2011
Dr. Ming Pan, Senior Vice President of Global Business Development at Gatan Inc.,
visited NPC on June 17, 2011 |
Guangyin Guo, the secretary of Party Committee of SEU,
visited NPC on May 24 , 2011 |
Prof. Zhiwei shan, Product Line Manager, Electron Beam & Vacuum Instrumentation,
Hysitron Inc. Minneapolis, USA,
visited NPC on May 5 , 2011 |
Dr. Chunlin Jia, from Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons, Germany,
visited NPC on Apr. 8, 2011
Prof. Ming Liu, from the Institute of microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
visited NPC on Dec. 28, 2010 |
Prof. Xiaoqing Pan from University of Michigan, visited NPC on Dec. 23, 2010 |
Lingyun Hu, the predecessor secretary of Party Committee of SEU, visited NPC on Dec. 22, 2010 |
Prof. Zhili Dong et. al. from Nanyang Technological University, visited NPC on Dec. 2, 2010 |
Yueming Sun, Director of Office of Laboratory and Facility Management of SEU, visited NPC on Nov. 30, 2010 |
Prof. Zhengping Wang, Academician of the Academy of Engineering, USA, from Georgia Insititute of Technology,
visited NPC on Nov. 29, 2010, and was invited to be Honary Professor of SEU |
Jiamao Zheng, Vice-President of SEU , visited NPC on Nov. 19, 2010 |
Prof. Zhonglin Wang et. al. , foreign Academician, from Georgia Insititute of Technology, visited NPC on Oct. 16, 2010 |
Prof. Albert Fert (Nobel laureate, Unite Mixte de Physique, CNRS/Thales, France ) , Prof. Sumio Iijima(Discoverer of Carbon Nanotube, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan), Prof. Ze Zhang(Academician, Zhejiang University ) et. al. visited NPC on Oct. 14, 2010 |